Anderson Bands

We offer numerous sizes of our famous cross-bottom bands for both bedding plant and tree growing uses. Some versions are also available in full-bottom styles called Bandpots. The built-in stacking ribs are designed to inhibit root swirling and the square band corners promote root growth better than round pots. The open cross-bottom air prunes roots growing out the bottom of the container. Bands hold more soil than round pots in an equivalent space. Don’t accept anything less. Our Bands are proven by many years successful use in greenhouses and by nursery propagators. All our Bands are reusable year after year.
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ItemDescriptionParts / PalletLbs.Pallet
Bandpots – Full bottoms w/ bottom drainage
18003 9⁄16″ X 4¼” PP
Bands – X bottoms w/ open drainage
20043 9⁄16″ X 4¼”842458248.5x48.5x48.5 PP
20102⅜” X 5”1026060648.xx48.x5x50 PP
20112⅜” X 3¾” PP
20082 7⁄8″ x 5½″598458049.5x49.5x50 PP
20063 5⁄8″ x 6″312043649.5x49.5x50 PP
20072⅞” X 9″ (SP4)4500643 PP
20024″ x 10″154039049x41x49 PP
20015″ x 8″108036549x41x49 PP

*Items available in carton or unboxed by half-pallet (approx 50 inches tall)

**Items only available by unboxed by half-pallet (approx 50 inches tall)

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